
Journal Publications

Woolridge, RW., Johnson, V., Mohit, H. and Hassler III, E. (2024). Reducing the IT Talent Gap by Identifying a Standard for IT Occupations. MIS Quarterly Executive         23(3), 9.

Johnson, V., Maurer, C., Torres, R., Guerra, K., Mohit, H., Srivastava, S., & Chatterjee, S. (2024). The 2023 SIM IT Issues and Trends Study. MIS Quarterly Executive, 23(1), 7. 

Johnson, V. L., Memarian Esfahani, S., & Mohit, H. (2024). Using rational choice theory to explore factors impacting contact tracing application adoption. Information Systems Management, 41(1), 27-43.

Johnson, V., Torres, R., Maurer, C., Chatterjee, S., Guerra, K., Mohit, H., & Srivastava, S. (2023). A Preview of the 2023 SIM IT Trends Study. MIS Quarterly Executive, 22(4), 4.

Mohit, H., Johnson, V. L., & Memarian Esfahani, S. (2023). Social media continuance from the perspective of commitment. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 63(4), 904-918.

Johnson, V., Torres, R., Maurer, C., Guerra, K., Srivastava, S., & Mohit, H. (2023). The 2022 SIM IT Issues and Trends Study. MIS Quarterly Executive, 22(1), 6.

Johnson, V., Torres, R., Maurer, C., Srivastava, S., Guerra, K., & Mohit, H. (2022). A Preview of the 2022 SIM IT Trends Study. MIS Quarterly Executive, 21(4), 3.

Journal Papers in Review

Woolridge, R., Johnson, V. L., Mohit, H., Hassler, E. E. (2023). IT Talent Shortage: A Data-Driven Approach to Identifying IT Occupations and Skill Profiles Theory. 

MIS Quarterly Executive (Revise & Resubmit)

Shayesteh S., Memarian Esfahani, S.,  Mohit, H. , Johnson, V. L. (2023). AI, Ethics, and Education: Assessing the Impact of Psychological Empowerment and IT Mindfulness on ChatGPT Adoption. Information Systems Frontiers (Under review)

Parrish, J., Johnson, V. L., Amin, AMS, Mohit, H. (2024). Exploring the Role of Social and Psychological Motivations in Adopting Metaverse Technologies: An Analysis through the Need to Belong Theory. ???? (Under review)

Johnson, V. L., Parrish, J., Mohit, H., Amin, AMS. (2023). Beyond the Real World: Understanding Potential Metaverse Adoption through Uses and Gratification Theory. ???? (Under review) 


 Working Paper

Mohit, H. , Johnson, V. L. The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Cryptocurrency Adoption: An Empirical Study (Target: EJIS)


Mohit, H. , Johnson, V. L., & Ogbanufe, O. , Pavur, R.  Navigating the Cryptocurrency Landscape: Experimental Insights into the Role of Regulatory Ambiguity and Exchange Security (Target: JMIS)


Mohit, H. , Johnson, V. L.  Public Perception and Market Response to the FTX Crypto Exchange Collapse: A Twitter Analysis.

Johnson, V. L., Mohit, H. & Memarian Esfahani, S. Acceleration of Self-checkout Services: Evolving Attitudes toward Technology (Target: ISM) 

Memarian Esfahani, S., Mohit, H., Voe, K., Evaluation of Behavior Change Support Model in the Context of IoT: The Case of Smart Wearables (Target: CHB) 


 Conference Papers


Mohit, H., Johnson, V. (2023). Investors' Perspectives on Security and Privacy in Cryptocurrency Exchanges. 54th DSI Annual Conference 2023.

Mohit, H., Khosh Kheslat, N., Johnson, V., & Woolridge, R. (2023). Analyzing IT Security Job Trends and Qualifications for a Career in Cybersecurity. AMCIS 2023 TREOs. 124.

Memarian Esfahani, S., & Mohit, H. (2023). The Effect of Cyberloafing of Remote Working Employees on Noncompliance Behavior. IRAIS 2023 Proceedings. 6.

Mohit, H., J.Kiarash Sadeghi R. (2022). A Big Data Analytics Framework for Theory Development. 53rd DSI Annual Conference 2022.


Srivastava, S., Mohit, H., Prateek, P. (2022). Offline Friendships: Role and Impact on Outcomes in Online Crowdfunding Platforms. 32nd Annual POMS-Conference 2022.


Mohit, H., & Memarian Esfahani, S. (2022). Sense of Leadership Affects Problematic Video Gaming. AMCIS 2022 TREOs. 72.


Mohit, H., & Johnson, V. L. (2022). Coin or Token: Different Motivations for Investing in Cryptocurrency. AMCIS 2022 TREOs. 33.


Mohit, H., & Johnson, V. L. (2021). The Impact of Conflicting SNS Usage Outcomes on Continuance. ICIS 2021 TREOs. 65.


Mohit, H., & Sadeghi, J. K. (2021). Data Mining Application for Crisis Management during Major disruptions. ICIS 2021 TREOs. 74.


Memarian Esfahani, S., & Mohit, H. (2021). A System Perspective on the Gap in Academia and Industry Partnership. 52nd DSI Annual Conference 2021


J.Kiarash Sadeghi R., Mohit, H. (2021). Most Vulnerable Part in Operations Management During a Global Pandemic: Big Data Analytics using Tweets. POMS 31st Annual Conference 2021


Mohit, H., J.Kiarash Sadeghi R. (2020).What Is Going on in Supply Chain Management Amid COVID-19? Big Data Analysis using Twitter. 51st DSI Annual Conference 2020.


 Books chapter


Memarian Esfahani, S., & Mohit, H. (2023). Internet of Things Value Creation for Sustainable Energy: Privacy Challenges in the Interconnectedness Era. In Handbook of Smart Energy Systems (pp. 1-19). Cham: Springer International Publishing.